Digital Marketing Articles

Marketing tactics and technologies used to reach consumers online.

Comprehensive Marketing and SEO Checklist (From Technology Standpoint)
Comprehensive Marketing and SEO Checklist (From Technology Standpoint)
Discover the ultimate marketing and SEO checklist from a web technology standpoint. Learn essential steps for optimizing your website's structure, performance, on-page SEO, user experience, and more with specific tools like Google Analytics, Yoast SEO, Ahrefs, and Hotjar. Implement these strategies to enhance your site's search engine rankings and user engagement effectively.
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10 New Outstanding Marketing Tools from Emerging Web Technologies
10 New Outstanding Marketing Tools from Emerging Web Technologies
Discover 10 cutting-edge marketing tools inspired by the latest web technologies, including AI-powered chatbots, programmatic advertising, voice search optimization, AR apps, and more to revolutionize your marketing strategies.
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Marketing Tools Similar to A/B Testing
Marketing Tools Similar to A/B Testing
A/B testing is an essential tool for optimizing marketing strategies. Here are various other techniques and tools you can use to analyze and improve your marketing efforts.
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Your Web Stack Can Boost Or Fail Your Marketing
Your Web Stack Can Boost Or Fail Your Marketing
A robust web stack configuration is critical for optimizing SEO performance. Here’s a detailed examination of how an efficient and well-configured web stack can positively influence a website's SEO, along with examples of good and bad web stacks, focusing on best practices and specific frameworks like Next.js.
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